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Update, Update, Update! - The Importance Of Job Updates


The recruitment process that requires enterprises and recruiters to collaborate is  noisy; critical information is often missed out and things fall through the cracks. Enterprises find it cumbersome to keep recruiters updated about critical aspects related to the recruitment process and this could result in a lower number of applicants for a position or worse subpar hiring. Constantly updating recruiters could be a painful and time consuming process. However, nothing could be more important than providing recruiters with timely and meaningful updates.

Analysing data across multiple jobs posted on the platform, CBREX found important and critical insights. CBREX found, for a job posted on the platform :

every 10 additional updates an enterprise provides, 11 additional recruiters engage to send candidate profiles and for additional 10 suppliers engaged, the enterprise receives a whopping 34 additional profiles

every 10 additional updates an enterprise provides recruiters send more relevant profiles; for every 10 additional updates, the enterprise receives 12 less profiles that would have been otherwise a poor fit.

Timely and meaningful job updates help enterprises:

engage more recruiters to send profiles,

receive more profiles from the engaged suppliers, and importantly,

receive fewer profiles that are likely to be a poor fit

Quality CVs are critical for hiring the best possible candidates, and their absence is the single most important roadblock when it comes to hiring. CBREX’s analysis unequivocally shows that enterprises that send regular and meaningful updates to its recruiters dramatically reduce the time taken to hire and close open positions.

The CBREX platform is designed in a way that makes collaboration with recruiters easy, quick and effective. This means enterprises do not need to communicate individually with recruiters about every update for a specific job. They can simply log into their CBREX account, share an update about a new posting or an existing posting and all the recruiters concerned will be informed immediately. That’s efficiency without distribution losses. 

A hit ‘send’ is all an enterprise needs to do when providing updates for specific positions. On the top right, one can see simple updates being provided to hiring firms, which will enable them to prioritise these positions for instance or look for something specific based on the recruiter’s requirement. CBREX has made it simple for enterprises to engage on this seamless platform, which in turn will ensure they get the best pool to pick from and eventually the best candidates to fill these positions.

A recruiter can get a glimpse of the various positions being posted here along with all the critical highlights regarding these ie. the position, location, job type etc. making it easy for the recruiter to start working on looking for the relevant applicants.

The platform encourages enterprises to rapidly provide feedback on submitted resumes and hence increase the hiring process velocity. Essentially, recruiters will be able to quickly act on the feedback received from the enterprises, ensuring quality resumes and relevant candidates are passed on, improving the chances of the position being filled. This is a win-win for recruiters and enterprises alike. 

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